Author Archives: Dr. Patrick Jones

Packing For The Holidays? Must Have Holiday Travel Herbs!

The HomeGrown Herbalist Tincture Kit

♪ Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother’s house we go! ♪ I don’t know what your house is like during the holidays, but the Jones House becomes something akin to Grand Central Station. With 15 kids and about a half a gazillion grandkids (I don’t have the actual number but Grandma does) […]

Anxiety, Stress & Insomnia: The Hallmarks of American Democracy.

Well, it’s that time again. The time that everyone in the country starts awake in the middle of the night in a cold sweat asking… “Yikes! What if THAT guy wins?! Yes, it’s a stressful question regardless of which side of the political football stadium you’re sitting in. We sit in the bleachers of that […]

Are You Dumb On Purpose? Porcupines, Skunks and HoHos.

Charlie is a young boxer. He had a busy morning last week running around his owner’s farm. First he ran through some wonderful mud. Then he popped over to the neighbor’s fence line to bark at their dogs for a minute so that they would remember to stay out of his yard. While he was […]

When There is No Doctor!

When there is no doctor

For the past three decades or so, I’ve been practicing as a veterinarian. Early in my career I discovered the powerful healing benefits of medicinal plants. Herbs have been a part of my daily practice ever since. I’ve used them for treating gunshot wounds, rattlesnake bites, gangrene, kidney stones, anxiety, serious infections, and about every […]

Herbs To The Rescue…Again

artemisia annua homegrown herbalist

Sir Isaac Newton, the famous physicist that discovered and quantified the law of gravity, codified the laws of thermodynamics, motion, mechanics and astronomy and (when he got bored with all of that) invented the reflective telescope and created the mathematical system of calculus, described himself as follows:  “I do not know what I may appear […]