Author Archives: Dr. Patrick Jones

Leaky Gut, Food Sensitivity & Autoimmune Disease

  To really understand leaky gut you have to understand one principle; The inside of your intestines is outside of your body. Look at the picture above as an illustration of how this works. In the picture, there is a pipe passing through an old stone bridge. The stones in the bridge represent the cells in your […]

Wound Widgets & Wonderments

As an herbalist I have, on a regular basis, the opportunity to do something most herbalists don’t get to do. That is, applying herbs to the management of serious wounds. I started managing wounds with herbs many years ago in my veterinary practice and have since shared the things I’ve learned with hundreds of clients that have used […]

Miracle Max: Leg Wound and Sepsis Case

Warning: This article contains graphic wound images. Viewer discretion advised. I was sitting in the house one morning trying to get motivated to comb my hair and go to work when my phone rang. It was my receptionist. “Doctor Jones, you’d better come out here.” My morning commute is about 30 feet. I left the […]