Author Archives: Dr. Patrick Jones

Strategic Priorities in Life: How To Get Out of The Pounding Surf & Into The Beach Chair

Personally, I’ve found the study and use of medicinal plants to be a wonderful gateway to really understanding the power of beach chairs. Herbs aren’t usually bandaids…well a plantain leaf can make a nice bandaid but that’s another topic. Herbs are for building, guiding, and supporting the body’s normal functions. They are complex combinations of nutrients, medicines, and energies that contribute to real change. Interestingly, when I’m doing an herbal consultation, the conversation often turns to other subjects like relationships, sorrows, joys, and dreams of the future. People often remark that no one has ever listened to them like that or that talking about those things has really made some important things much more clear for them. I’m not doing anything really…just sitting in my beach chair smiling mostly. But the fact that they sat down in the beach chair next to me and started talking, thinking, and looking at the amazing view offered by that simple beach chair is a transformative experience. They thought they were just going to talk about their symptoms or problems but, the next thing they know, they’re talking about the big picture and things that really matter and, often, important things that haven’t had their focus and attention for a really long time.

Covid-19 Beat You Up…Now What? How To Rebuild Your Health!

Covid beat you up... Now What?

Coronaviruses are miserable critters. They can affect a number of body systems. In the good old days, the vast majority of human coronavirus infections merely resulted in a head cold or a little diarrhea. These days we have a new and improved coronavirus. It was found in some wonderful bat poop in a bat cave […]

What Does an Herbalist Veterinarian Take For Covid-19? Ivermectin or Herbs? Doc Jones Tells All!

Humans Using Ivermectin For Coronavirus - Veterinarian & Naturopath Doc Jones Tells All

I’ve recently received approximately a bazillion emails and texts with questions about the drug Ivermectin and its use in the fight against Covid-19 infections. I often scratch my head a bit when I get these emails as my company is called HomeGrown Herbalist not HomeGrown Pharmacist. But I guess it’s not too surprising. I did […]

Great Needles For The Fight Against Covid-19…The Power of Pine!

The Power of PINE in the fight against Covid

There has been a lot of talk about getting jabbed with needles to aid in the global pandemic of the coronavirus Covid-19. Vaccinations have been a remarkable blessing in the control of a lot of serious diseases over the years. Smallpox, polio, tetanus, diphtheria, mumps, and a number of other diseases are now practically unheard […]

Your Body Is A WAY Better Herbalist Than You Are…Cravings and Pharmacognosy.

Ever wonder why your dog is out in the backyard eating grass? Did he become a vegetarian? Well, unless he’s developed a sudden affinity for sitar music and incense, probably not. He’s still a good ‘ol carnivore. So why the grass? Probably because he has a bellyache…or worms. You see the coarse texture of grass […]

How To Learn About That One Magic Herb…

how to learn that one magic herb

A few years ago I was lecturing at a convention. Between lectures, I manned a booth and visited with folks about herbs, and peddled my books and herbal concoctions. A lady walked by the booth. She gasped when she saw me and ran over to me and gave me a hug. “Do you remember me?” […]

Drugs Or Herbs? Which Rascal Should You Take & Why?

drugs or herbs, which should you take and why

Having this herbal and naturopathic experience and a veterinary degree, and also having a state board of pharmacy license and a DEA license and a veterinary license and all the other fancy pieces of paper that say I can poke pills and needles into dogs and other critters, has given me unique opportunities and choices that most healers don’t have. Basically, when a sick dog comes to see me, I can use whatever the heck I want to use in its treatment. As a result, I’ve had the opportunity to use herbs to treat everything from the common cold to gunshot wounds, rattlesnake bites, and gangrene. Over the years, I’ve used medications to treat those things as well. So, after a few decades of anecdotal research in my own practices, my opinions have developed pretty strongly on what works best for what.