Tired Of Being Needy? Today Is Independence Day…In September!

herbal independence day

How much control do you have over your life? How much control would you like to have?

When you’re sick, do you say? “I have a bladder infection…I need to go to the doctor.”

I think if I typed that sentence into a translating app it’d likely say, “I need to go sit in a waiting room full of sick people for an hour so that I can pay a nice man $150 to give me a pharmaceutical that will damage my gut flora and set up a perfect environment for a Candida overgrowth so I can come back later and get a different pharmaceutical for that.”

Is that really what you need?

What if I told you that there were countless herbs (several of which are probably growing in your backyard) that would do just as good a job of ridding your bladder of bacteria and would do so while also nourishing you and making the good-guy bacteria in your gut really happy?

Now, before you start thinking I’m just another crazy, tree-hugging, tie-dye-clad herbalist with no concept of pharmacology, physiology, bacteriology, immunology and all of the other wonderful “ologies”, let me clarify something. I have a doctorate in veterinary medicine and 30 years of clinical experience as a practitioner. Before that, I worked in a research lab and authored papers in prominent research journals full of big words that nobody understands.

Also, don’t assume that just because I don’t think modern medicine has all the answers, that I don’t think they have any good answers. They have some fantastic answers for some really serious problems. In fact, my own life has been saved twice by physicians.

The problem is that we, as a society, have bought into the idea that if we need modern medicine for some things, we must need it for everything. That, my friends, is not correct.

In my 30 years of veterinary practice there was hardly a day that I didn’t perform surgery to solve some sort of problem. There was hardly a day that I didn’t prescribe a pharmaceutical to solve some sort of problem. But there also wasn’t a single day when I didn’t use herbs to solve problems instead of drugs or surgery.


Because, for a lot of things, herbs are more effective, less expensive and safer than drugs or surgery.

My sweet wife and I raised 15 children. During the 30 or so years that that took, we lived right across the street from the office of a really excellent doctor. How many times do you suppose we walked across the street to go to the doctor? How many visits should 15 kids have generated? How much money should we have spent on visits and meds? If I recall correctly, we had three doctor visits total. One was for a son that had a seizure one day for no apparent reason. We took him to the doctor to get some testing. They couldn’t find anything wrong, and he never did it again but going to the doctor for that was a really good idea as there are some pretty dangerous things that can cause seizures that needed to be ruled out. The second visit was for a Haitian son who broke out with blisters all over his body. I wondered if he might have a fun, tropical vesicular disease and took him to the doctor to see which one it was and see if we needed to burn our house down or anything. Turns out it was just a very enthusiastic manifestation of the cold sore virus. It went away and he never got that excited about it again. The third visit was with a cute little five-year-old daughter that had an altercation with a peanut butter jar and needed a bunch of stitches.

So why didn’t we take all those kids to the doctor for all kinds of other stuff? They probably got sick about as often as anybody else’s kids.

Well, because we just never needed to. We just poked some herbs in them, and they got better. In fact, as they got old enough, they’d usually go to the herb cupboard themselves and get what they needed and solve their own problems.

Doctors of modern medicine have amazing tools and remarkable skills and there really are times when we desperately need those tools and skills. But there are also lots of times when we don’t.

If we really want to be independent, if we really want “needing to go to the doctor” to be a rare event in our lives, the solution is pretty simple. We just need to learn some plants.

Doing so gives us control. It gives us power to solve our own problems. It gives us independence. It gives us options. And, in most cases, it gives us some wonderful solutions.

My advice is to get some herbal education. Read some books, watch some videos, go on a plant walk with an herbalist, take some classes. It isn’t difficult and it really will change your life.

Coincidentally, I happen to have written some books. I have a YouTube channel with a bunch of videos and I’m the founder of the HomeGrown Herbalist School of Botanical Medicine. I’ve been told by my students, many of whom are doctors and nurses or graduates of other herb schools that were vastly more expensive, that there’s nothing out there like it. In the school, I’ll teach you all about the body and how it works. I’ll teach you all about disease processes and how they work. And I’ll teach you all about the plants and how they work. When you understand those three things, you’ll be astounded at the problems you can solve.

If you are ready to stop being needy and start being self-reliant and independent, I hope you’ll have a look. You’ll have lifetime access and be part of an amazing community that loves learning about the amazing power of the body to heal itself and the amazing green tools the Good Lord gave us to help the body do just that.

I hope you’ll join us. I’d love to share that learning journey with you.

Have a great day,

Doc Jones

HomeGrown Herbalist School of Botanical Medicine

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17 thoughts on “Tired Of Being Needy? Today Is Independence Day…In September!

  1. John Fulton says:

    Hey Doc, thanks for all your great classes. I know we have to get back in class and continue our journey. Just a lot happening and time gets used up so quickly. Our granddaughter just suffered severe 2nd burns on both hands and arms in a cooking accident. Cooking mits kind of exploded and spread melted silicone over her arms and hands. Nasty burns and she was in the hospital burn unit. Now, just a month later she has been released to go back to full activities. God is truly great! Yon can hardly tell she was burned. As the owner of Talk to me Treats she depends on baking but will have to wear some special gloves and arm protection for a while. In this case we were very thankful for medical doctors who did the surgery and the healing grafts. We were afraid if horrible scarring but it looks like that may not be the case at. Praise the Lord!

    • Dr. Patrick Jones says:

      Glad she’s doing well John. Doctors are capable of doing some amazing work.

      The main problem with the medical system isn’t the doctors. It’s the corporate combines that restrict them from using their brains, their gut and their experience to decide what’s best for each of their patients. Sadly, they are now constrained to a large extent by policies, protocols and flow charts.

  2. Sharon says:

    I’ve learned so much watching your videos! Arthritis pain (hands) is my main health issue. I purchased some tinctures that you taught would help relieve pain. Besides spraying the tincture on my skin, how could I incorporate them in a homemade salve?

  3. susan says:

    Love all you do for humanity…thank you so much….I did do all your classes on first aide which was like no other herbal classes I’ve taken and top notch…just wondering if your herbal school is the same format? I’m not tech savy

    • Dr. Patrick Jones says:

      I don’t think you’ll have any trouble with the full school. We have a lot of students that aren’t computer wizards so we have created a user interface that’s very friendly and have great support for anyone that can still figure out a way to be confused. LOL

  4. Ginger Anady says:

    Hi Doc Jones, the further I get into the studies the more questions I have and my curiosity of plants is obsessive. So grateful for you, the school, other students, and the opportunities to learn. PLANTS and KNOWLEDGE are each amazing, together they are just incredible!

    • Dr. Patrick Jones says:

      Yeah…I have the same problem. Just when I start thinking I understand something, it opens up to reveal a whole new level of inquiry.

  5. CL says:

    You must have been an amazing dad….smart and funny! Your kids were blessed to have received all the knowledge you had concerning natural healing.

    • Dr. Patrick Jones says:

      That’s a complicated question. It would depend on a lot of variables. I don’t recommend herb use during cancer treatment as they can often interfere significantly with medications typically used.

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