Juno’s Story: A Wound Healing Case Using Herbal Tea Spray Instead of Poultices

white dog fluffy

By Dr. Patrick Jones

Juno is a little American Eskimo. Her favorite part of the day is when “Dad” comes home. In her enthusiasm to greet him one day, she didn’t wait for the car to stop in the driveway and got trapped beneath a wheel.

Juno was rushed to the vet and x-rays showed her pelvis to be fractured in four places. The determination was made to allow the fractures to heal on their own and she was taken home to convalesce.

Ten days later, while bathing Juno, her owner discovered that the skin beneath her fur had turned black and the hair and skin were coming off in handfuls. Juno was rushed back to the veterinarian. The vet determined that the blood vessels had been damaged in the accident and that a large portion of the skin on her lower back had been destroyed. The prognosis was for multiple skin grafting surgeries that would cost hundreds and potentially thousands of dollars.

It was at this point that the owner remembered having sat through one of my lectures on herbal healing where I discussed another wound case. He gave me a call and we got to work.

Juno was started on four of our HomeGrown Herbalist Formulas.

Immunity – Support: Internally to stimulate immune function.

INFXN – BugBuster: Internally to prevent infection of the wound.

Bone, Tissue & Cartilage: Internally to accelerate healing.

Poultice: Topically to control infection and markedly accelerate healing.

Because of the location and size of the wound, applying poultices was problematic. In the past several years, I’ve had several cases where poulticing wasn’t realistic. Ever tried to keep a poultice on a happy yorkie’s butt?…Not happening! In those cases, instead of applying a poultice, I made the Poultice Formula into a strong tea and put the strained tea into a spray bottle and had the owners spray the wound several times daily.

We used the same approach with Juno. The following are photos of her progress to date. Her healing is a testament to the power of herbs and the wonderful nursing care of her faithful owners.

October 6th & 8th

dog back raw wound dog back raw open wound scab

Oct. 10 & 17th

dog wound back healing dog wound back pink skin

Oct 21st & 22nd

sog wound on back dirty dog wound on back sore open

Oct. 25th & 27th

large wound on dog backpink skin dog back healing wound

Oct 29th & Nov 5th

dog ack wound healing skin pink small wound dog back healing herbal therapy

Nov. 14th & 17th

white dog with wound on back large pink scar on dog back

Nov 23rd & Dec. 5th

closing scar on white dog backclosed scar on dog back closed wound

Jan 15th  All better but the comb over. :0)

healed dog

As you can see, the wound has, within the space of a couple of months, healed completely. Juno is also walking on her healing pelvis. This sort of wound healing is very typical of the healing power of the body when helped along a bit with God’s wonderful weeds!

Dr. Patrick Jones

HomeGrown Herbalist School of Botanical Medicine 

6 thoughts on “Juno’s Story: A Wound Healing Case Using Herbal Tea Spray Instead of Poultices

    • Dr. Patrick Jones says:

      I kept it covered. The poultice needs bandage support. I did 12 hours on and 12 hours off with the poultice. I also bandaged it between poulticing because of the extent of the wound and the canine dumbness of the patient. If I were doing it today, I’d probably just do poultice spray (see the poultice formula tincture product page for details on that) and would likely leave it open and spray it very frequently throughout the day. We go through these sorts of wound protocols and what I’m doing currently in the HomeGrown Herbalist School. Seems like there are five or six lessons just on wound management.

  1. Krista Garner says:

    Amazing, and so beautiful to see this little dog healed. I am a 72 yr retired nurse practitioner, I have started on your burdock powder. I figured I needed the insulin and I feel better. Want to start your class asap.

  2. Cindy Fox says:

    What a testimony to the power of herbs.
    I just ordered something with plantain from you to spray on my dog Rusty’s abscess or that’s
    what it appears to be. He’s nine and has mobility issues so can’t get to a vet but thankfully have a vet that comes here. She can’t come for another week since single mom and vet that just does Saturday. So I’m going to do what I can with what I ordered and as I can order more for other issues with his mobility I definitely will. I’m thankful she embraces using herbs too.
    Thanks for sharing Dr Jones.

  3. Theresa Gwiazda says:

    That is amazing! I have a chicken with a wound that I have been wondering if I could do anything with. Her wound is stiff with a scab that is stiff and thick. I will give this a try.

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