Another Consequence of Covid-19 Coronavirus…CABIN FEVER!

Yesterday the Governor of California ordered all non-essential businesses to close and instructed all citizens to stay home for several weeks.

Several of my own children in various states are quarantining at home due to their businesses closing over a sick staff member or some such.

None of my grandchildren (representing several different states) are attending school right now due to mandated school closures.

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My adult kids have universally expressed curiosity and concern about what the heck they are going to do to keep the kids entertained and to keep themselves from going crazy for the next several weeks or months. I mean seriously, how many times can Dad get a make-over? And is it really good for him?

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I’ve been thinking about this dilemma. My first idea for a solution for these poor quarantined parents was to develop a nice herbal  lotion that they could put on their hall closet door knob. This seemed like a good idea as it would keep the kids’ hands nice and soft and would give the parents somewhere to hide…at least until the kids figured out how to wipe of the lotion off  with a dish towel and breached the perimeter.

Then I had another idea.

Why not do something fun and useful?

Why not do something interesting and important to keep their brains busy?

Why not do something of more lasting value than yet another Lord of The Rings marathon on Netflix or spending eight hours a day on Facebook getting freaked out by other people that were getting freaked out?

What if we could spend time with our families learning how to use the wonderful plants that grow all around us to make us healthy and happy? What if there were online games and lectures and videos of plant walks and some crazy veterinarian talking about medicinal weeds and cracking jokes that we could all enjoy instead?

So, I’ve decided to do something special.

For a limited time I’ve Significantly Decreased the Cost of the HomeGrown Herbalist School of Botanical Medicine.

We will be suspending the “Study Buddy” program while the sale is on but we encourage you to share the videos, lessons etc.. with the members of your family in your home to keep you all from going crazy. They won’t be enrolled students, but they’ll be entertained and educated. :0)

Why am I doing this?

It’s not because I need the business. Herbs sales and school enrollments of late have been well…astonishing. We’re doing just fine. The reason I’m doing it is that, now more than ever, I want to help people build their self-reliance and their knowledge base on how to live happier healthier lives using the medicinal plants that grow all around them. That, and I don’t want all the nice parents that are stuck at home with their kids to go crazy! :0)

Click Here for More Information on the School

Also, if any of you are feeling a little stressed about the current situation, have a look at this blog article for some easy fixes.
Wishing you all good health and peace during these interesting times.
Doc Jones

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