Sick of Politics and Elections? Here’s a great Remedy!

an herbalists cure for politics. new video from doc jones

Every four years, we’re told that if we don’t vote for the right candidate, the bad guys will win and the world will end. We’re told that only our political saviors have the power to stem the tide of chaos and destruction. Honestly, I think it’s ridiculous that, as a society, we’ve allowed ourselves to be duped by such charlatans.

So does that mean I’m not going to vote? No, of course not. Every election day I dutifully go into the polls, hold my nose, and vote for the lesser of two evils.

That said, the solution to the issues plaguing this country isn’t electing some career politician to provide for us and take care of us. The solution is for us to follow the example of our forefathers and provide for and take care of ourselves and those around us. The founders of this great nation valued independence and the freedom to pursue life, liberty and happiness above all other things. They were tired of being managed by distant demagogues and dictators who had no connection with them and no real interest in serving them.

As a young veterinarian, I practiced in southern Minnesota. Many of my clients were Amish folk. One day I was talking to an Amish friend and client and asked him why he didn’t want to have electricity. He replied “Because I don’t know the man at the electrical plant“. Think about that for a minute. He wasn’t willing to be dependent on systems he couldn’t control and people he didn’t know. If you have electric heat, electric lights and electric appliances, what do you do when the power goes out? About two weeks later, a neighbor’s barn burned down. So what did the Amish community do? They filled their wagons with tools and lumber, drove to the neighbors farm and built him a new barn. Those are people and systems that can be relied on!

As a society, we have become deeply dependent on unsustainable systems. In the old days, stores had store rooms in the back with several weeks worth of goods. Nowadays, the delivery trucks show up daily and fill the shelves. If they don’t come tomorrow, there will be no goods for sale. During the great depression, most people had a garden and a root cellar or basement full of food. Nowadays it seems half the population would starve if the Door Dash app stopped working on their smart phones.

We’ve become far too dependent on systems we can’t control and people we don’t know. The result is stress, and fear and insecurity in times of trouble. So, how do we solve that problem? How do we get to the point where we roll our eyes and laugh when the politicians are preaching doom and gloom and telling us we’ll never make it without them? Self-Reliance!

More and more, people are taking back control of their lives. They’re producing their own food instead of eating processed nonsense shaped like food. They’re taking back control of their own health and producing their own medicines instead of submitting to corporate healthcare systems who’s treatments and protocols are developed by accountants, attorneys and insurance companies instead of by doctors. They’re ignoring attempts by politicians to be seduced into the political turf wars and finger pointing. They’re learning what really matters and what really doesn’t.

I applaud these efforts and celebrate the trend toward self sufficiency. In truth, our efforts in educating folks about medicinal plants and other natural healing modalities are driven by a desire to help them move forward on the path to self reliance.

So, go vote on election day. Go to the doctor if you need care that only a doctor can provide. Otherwise, exert your independence and live a life that doesn’t rely on government programs, artificial systems and processed products to the degree that you can. God gave us an amazing world full of abundance to meet our needs. Let’s learn to use it and take back the power to care for ourselves and others instead of ceding that power to those who are only seeking power for power’s sake. We are surrounded by good people. Let’s love and serve them when they have troubles. And let’s accept their love and service when we have needs. Let’s focus more on real relationships, real community and real service and less on being “politically correct” or getting “likes” on social media apps. Let’s get some real knowledge and develop real talents so that we can be a real blessing to others.

If you’d like to learn some amazing skills to empower you on your journey to self-reliance have a look at The HomeGrown Herbalist School of Botanical Medicine and the others schools on It really can change your life.

Doc Jones

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7 thoughts on “Sick of Politics and Elections? Here’s a great Remedy!

  1. Renee' says:

    Doc Jones –
    You took the words right out of my mouth. You are so correct in intimating that knowledge is power and creates security. Forget the naysayers about self-reliance and follow your path to self-reliance and better peace of mind. The food distribution industry is broken. The health care and pharmaceuticals industry is broken. Insurance companies have scared us into thinking that the only way we can survive is to buy insurance on everything, and then they have you, they just keep raising their prices. In my opinion, if you are as self-reliant as you can be, there is no need to insure everything in your life – your identity, your car, your house, your life, your vacation, your dog . . . where will it end? They hope never. Pharmaceuticals keep coming up with new drugs originating from Mother Nature’s inherent constituents. I agree there are times when you need to go to the doctor (I dislocated and broke my left ankle and my husband contracted E. coli in his blood from a surgery recovery gone wrong), but most of the time good common sense and knowledge of herbs can take care of many things that the pharmaceutical companies say you can’t live without their drugs. Of course, this is all just my opinion but I wonder how many others feel the same way. Do vote for the lesser evil but try to do all you can to sustain your life yourself (grow a garden, learn how to sew or knit, learn how to raise chickens, bake your own bread, try to make do with what you already have, etc.). Is that shiny new whizbang thing you think you absolutely need right now really going to help you toward self-reliance?

  2. Jen Brummett says:

    Doc Jones-
    Thank you for your boldness to speak truth and wisdom and bring clarity to the mess and confusion, and downright fear most people feel over politics and the election. You said it- it’s between us and God. He is our provider, sustainer and ultimately, our King. He can use our leaders, but HE alone is in control.

  3. Jackie Deering says:

    Well said, Doc. I was recently at a sustainable living festival in Kentucky. There were 3 speakers there preaching medical independence. Seems like no one thought much about it until the pandemic.
    I’ve always wanted to enroll in your school since I heard about it about 4 years ago. I’m finally going to be able to early next year.
    Thanks for all you do!

  4. Carol Ciarniello says:

    Doc, once again you “hit the nail on the head”!! Hopefully more people will stop being a “sheeple” and once again be a “people”—one that can make their own decisions and not care what the woke folks say or do. God has given us all that we need; it’s time folks realize the HE IS all that we need!

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