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2021 – The Time Is NOW To Start Learning Herbal Medicine!

2021 fireworks

Phew! 2020 is over. This has been a difficult year for many on some levels and our hearts go out to folks who have suffered personal loss or financial difficulty due to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. For us, here at HomeGrown Herbalist, it’s been an educational year. We have long expounded on the benefits of […]

Feeling Lousy? Feel Better!


Within the armamentarium of herbal wonderments available to help with life’s ills are many herbs that stimulate immunity, many that inhibit or kill bacteria and even some that directly interfere with viral attachment to cells and with virus replication. But when I feel sick there is one herb, an herb which does none of those wonderful things, to which I always turn. Rehmannia.

Packing For The Holidays? Must Have Holiday Travel Herbs!

The HomeGrown Herbalist Tincture Kit

♪ Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother’s house we go! ♪ I don’t know what your house is like during the holidays, but the Jones House becomes something akin to Grand Central Station. With 15 kids and about a half a gazillion grandkids (I don’t have the actual number but Grandma does) […]

Reactive Vs. Proactive: The Philosophical Dichotomy of Health Care

A few months ago I wrote a blog article called The Turf War and Idealogical Tribalism. It expressed my thoughts on the importance and value of both modern medicine and traditional medicine and how both sides would do well to be more open minded and cooperative. I mention this to emphasize that my intent in expressing the […]

The Other Shoe & Herbal Preparedness – CoronaVirus

  So, the United States (along with the rest of the world) has been under quarantine for several weeks. In some areas, infection rate curves for COVID-19, our fancy new coronavirus are flattening out a bit. That’s good. In other areas, they continue to climb. The intent of this national quarantine was, so far as […]

Some Major Herb Companies Are Not Taking Orders!

As one might expect, the Covid-19 coronavirus has people concerned and very interested in herbs that can stimulate immunity or fight the virus directly. As a result, the demand for herbal medicines and other natural health supplements has been historically high in recent weeks. Many of our nation’s premier herb importers and distribution companies are no […]