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Turmeric, Curcumin: An Amazing Tool For Healthy Living!

I woke up this morning feeling like I’d been hit by a bus. Why? Because I ate too many simple carbs for dinner. You see, simple carbs raise blood sugar levels. Higher blood sugar levels raise insulin levels and flood the body with inflammatory chemicals and free radicals. The inflammation caused by my dietary indiscretions […]

Dandelion: The World’s Most Successful Weed May Also Be One Of The Best Foods & Medicines!

Eating well can be tough.  Not only that, it can be expensive.  If you’ve tried, you’ve probably noticed this.  Eating highly processed junk, by contrast, is convenient and cheap.  The deranged thing about this whole paradigm, however, is that the savings in money and time vanish without a trace into the void of debilitating chronic […]

Natural Ways to Reduce Joint Inflammation and Feel Better

fix joint pain naturally

Are you tired of feeling achy, tired, and inflamed? Well, have no fear because Dr. Patrick Jones is here! In this blog post, we’ll explore some easy, natural ways to reduce inflammation and get you feeling your best. Dr. Jones breaks down the effects of sugar and refined carbohydrates on the body, and how a healthy gut can play a significant role in managing inflammation. Plus, he shares his favorite herbs that have powerful anti-inflammatory properties, including boswellia, turmeric, and black cohosh. So, grab a seat and get ready to learn how to reduce inflammation the natural way.

Christmas Trees Ain’t Just For Christmas Anymore: The Amazing Healing Powers of Pine!

Christmas pine is medicinal

For the past few years I’ve been very interested in pine (Pinus spp.). The Good Lord made an awful lot of those big green trees… So, I figured they must be good for something besides 2X4s, firewood and beaver dams. So I started digging. The things I learned and continue to learn have changed my life. Let me share just a few of them with you.

Walking In A Winter Wonderland & Coughing Our Brains Out!

coughing in a winter wonderland new blog post by doc jones

Walking In A Winter Wonderland…The 2022 Version ♪♪ Sneezes ring. Are ya listenin’? ♪♪♪ On our sleeves, goobers glistenin’! ♪♪♪ It’s cold in the yard… ♪♪♪ We’re sneezin’ real hard ♪♪♪ And Coughin’ in a winter wonderland. ♪♪♪♪ Gone away is the summer. ♪♪♪ Now we’re sick. It’s a bummer. ♪♪♪ But hey, don’t dismay […]

What Does an Herbalist Veterinarian Take For Covid-19? Ivermectin or Herbs? Doc Jones Tells All!

Humans Using Ivermectin For Coronavirus - Veterinarian & Naturopath Doc Jones Tells All

I’ve recently received approximately a bazillion emails and texts with questions about the drug Ivermectin and its use in the fight against Covid-19 infections. I often scratch my head a bit when I get these emails as my company is called HomeGrown Herbalist not HomeGrown Pharmacist. But I guess it’s not too surprising. I did […]