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COVID-19: The Coronavirus…Some New Information

Last week I wrote a blog article about our new friend Covid-19 the Chinese coronavirus. You can read the article here: CoronaVirus: Hype, Hope & Herbal Interventions. In the article I talked about the proof that was available at the time that it was a genetically engineered bio-weapon. There wasn’t any. In the past week we’ve learned […]

What the Heck Is A Cytokine?…Or, How To Survive a Flu Pandemic!

Between 1918 and 1920 an estimated 500 million people contracted an influenza virus no one had seen before. Debate as to its origins continue to this day. Some hypothesize that it started in the Far East. Others say the first case was in Kansas or in a US Army camp in France. Pathologists and epidemiologists agree […]

Leaky Gut, Food Sensitivity & Autoimmune Disease

  To really understand leaky gut you have to understand one principle; The inside of your intestines is outside of your body. Look at the picture above as an illustration of how this works. In the picture, there is a pipe passing through an old stone bridge. The stones in the bridge represent the cells in your […]

The New Mystery Disease In Dogs: What You Need To Know

A New Disease Syndrome! A new disease syndrome in dogs has recently emerged in the United States. Cases have shown up in several states and it’s likely to spread quickly. The illness is characterized by a severe, hacking cough much like Kennel cough but much more serious. Infected dogs also tend to run a fever […]

Exploring The World Of Chaga: Uses, Harvesting, And Safety

There’s a parasitic fungus growing on your birch trees…and you should be really excited! I’m talking about Chaga, a black, woody lump that really can change your life. In the world of herbal remedies, few species can claim the same level of medicinal diversity and utility as the Chaga mushroom, scientifically known as Inonotus obliquus. […]

Will Your Herb Garden Meet Your Emergency & First Aid Needs?

doctor Patrick Jones and Melissa K Norris reviewing emergency herbs video thumbnail

A few weeks ago, I drove from Idaho to Washington state for a workshop I was putting on with Melissa Norris. Melissa is doing wonderful work educating folks on how to live a simpler more self-reliant life. Her YouTube channel, Melissa K. Norris – Modern Homesteading and her website are wonderful educational resources for […]

A Refresher on Covid, Herbs & Ivermectin

The Recent Covid Resurgence has lead to more questions about herbs, Ivermectin etc…  School is back in session, fall is here and the respiratory viruses are having their annual heyday. And, as coronaviruses influenza viruses always do, the Covid and flu kids have mutated to give us new strains that sometimes don’t give a hoot […]