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Drugs Or Herbs? Which Rascal Should You Take & Why?

drugs or herbs, which should you take and why

Having this herbal and naturopathic experience and a veterinary degree, and also having a state board of pharmacy license and a DEA license and a veterinary license and all the other fancy pieces of paper that say I can poke pills and needles into dogs and other critters, has given me unique opportunities and choices that most healers don’t have. Basically, when a sick dog comes to see me, I can use whatever the heck I want to use in its treatment. As a result, I’ve had the opportunity to use herbs to treat everything from the common cold to gunshot wounds, rattlesnake bites, and gangrene. Over the years, I’ve used medications to treat those things as well. So, after a few decades of anecdotal research in my own practices, my opinions have developed pretty strongly on what works best for what.

COVID-19: The Coronavirus…Some New Information

Last week I wrote a blog article about our new friend Covid-19 the Chinese coronavirus. You can read the article here: CoronaVirus: Hype, Hope & Herbal Interventions. In the article I talked about the proof that was available at the time that it was a genetically engineered bio-weapon. There wasn’t any. In the past week we’ve learned […]

A Refresher on Covid, Herbs & Ivermectin

The Recent Covid Resurgence has lead to more questions about herbs, Ivermectin etc…  School is back in session, fall is here and the respiratory viruses are having their annual heyday. And, as coronaviruses influenza viruses always do, the Covid and flu kids have mutated to give us new strains that sometimes don’t give a hoot […]

Bunker Buster Prepper Kit from HomeGrown Herbalist

The HomeGrown Herbalist Bunker Buster

If you are preparing for a long-term underground vacation to avoid Mutant Biker Zombies, this kit is for you.

Break in case of apocalypse.

This kit is the pinnacle of self-health survivalism, containing everything you could conceivably need in almost any circumstance.

If Disaster strikes… will you be prepared?

↓ View Kit Contents ↓

Note: This product is made-to-order, you can expect 30-45 day delivery after placing your order, due to how difficult this kit is to build.

What Does an Herbalist Veterinarian Take For Covid-19? Ivermectin or Herbs? Doc Jones Tells All!

Humans Using Ivermectin For Coronavirus - Veterinarian & Naturopath Doc Jones Tells All

I’ve recently received approximately a bazillion emails and texts with questions about the drug Ivermectin and its use in the fight against Covid-19 infections. I often scratch my head a bit when I get these emails as my company is called HomeGrown Herbalist not HomeGrown Pharmacist. But I guess it’s not too surprising. I did […]

Reactive Vs. Proactive: The Philosophical Dichotomy of Health Care

A few months ago I wrote a blog article called The Turf War and Idealogical Tribalism. It expressed my thoughts on the importance and value of both modern medicine and traditional medicine and how both sides would do well to be more open minded and cooperative. I mention this to emphasize that my intent in expressing the […]

CoronaVirus: Hype, Hope & Herbal Interventions

There has been a lot of discussion and excitement over a new Coronavirus that has popped up in China recently. Theories abound about it being a genetically-engineered bio-terrorism weapon developed in the Chinese Wuhan BSL4 laboratory. This idea is the result of a research paper posted to the internet in which scientists from India reported that this new Corona virus […]