Breathe Easy! Some Herbs Are Great For Asthma

Breathing in and out is a popular pass time for just about every creature living on this planet. It’s so much a part of our nature that we rarely think about it at all. But the instant something goes wrong with that simple process, it’s a dire emergency. An asthma attack is a classic example. One moment all is well and normal then suddenly you can’t breathe. So what is actually going on with an asthma attack? And, more importantly, what could we do about it if there were no drugs, inhalers or emergency rooms?

Asthma is a respiratory condition characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways leading to difficulty in breathing. The primary symptoms of asthma include wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. The symptoms can be triggered by various factors, including allergens, exercise, cold air, smoke, and stress. As the airways become distressed, the bronchial muscles which surround them contract, the lining of the airways becomes inflamed and the airways produce more mucus in an attempt to protect themselves from the irritation. This results in a “perfect storm” for interfering with air movement in the lungs. This condition affects millions of people worldwide. In some cases it’s a mild annoyance. In others it can be a life-threatening emergency.

So what can we do? Well physicians treat asthma using pharmaceuticals like bronchodilators to open the airways and corticosteroids to decrease inflammation. Those drugs can have an excellent effect on opening things up and getting the air moving but they can also have some serious negative side effects.

The good news is that there are also some amazing plants that can be of great benefit to asthma cases. Let’s look at the three main issues one by one.

Bronchial constriction is the first issue. As I mentioned before, the bronchi and bronchioles of the lungs are lined with smooth muscle. When these muscles contract, the airways are narrowed significantly. Antispasmodic herbs like Lobelia, cramp bark or gumweed can relax these muscles to open things up again. The next issue issue is inflammation. This inflammation is usually caused by allergic elements so the best remedies are herbs that have antihistamine actions. Two of my favorites are Brigham Tea and nettle leaf. Both of these plants interfere with histamine release, histamine binding to cell receptors and other actions that are responsible for allergic reactions (both are in the Histamine Formula). The result is, the allergy symptoms are diminished and inflammation in the airways decreases. Last but not least, we have some great plants for moving excess mucus. Elecampane, mullein leaf and gumweed are all good choices. Mullein and gumweed are especially nice because they also help to relax and open airways giving you a two-for-one package of herbal actions.

Herbs from each of these three groups are in the Respiratory AZMA formula. And, while I have no FDA approval or formal research on that formula’s benefits, there are sure a lot of folks that use it. I’ve also used it for years in my veterinary practice for cats suffering from feline asthma.

Some asthma cases really do require emergency medical intervention. But having natural remedies can be of great benefit as well. By the way, speaking of emergency interventions, Dr. Jed Adamson and I have just launched a new course called Assessment and Natural Interventions for Trauma and Emergencies. It’s a series of trainings that will prepare you to deal with time-sensitive emergencies and know how to assess injuries and render life-saving aid until the ambulance arrives…or if it doesn’t arrive. Have a look. I think it’s critical, game-changing information for you and your loved ones.

Doc Jones

Are You Ready to Render Emergency Aid?

Life is full of unexpected emergencies some of which can be life threatening. Knowing what to do until the ambulance arrives can be game changing and life saving!

Introducing the Emergency Jump Kit—your trusted companion in emergency response. 

Most folks appreciate the importance of being prepared—especially when it concerns loved ones facing emergency injuries or illnesses. Many have acquired what they believe to be a fairly decent pre-packaged first aid kit from a big box store. Unfortunately, these standard first aid kits, while capable of handling a few minor scrapes and bumps, lack the most critical tools for assessing and addressing medical emergencies.

5 thoughts on “Breathe Easy! Some Herbs Are Great For Asthma

    • Dr. Patrick Jones says:

      Doesn’t much matter how he takes them. Tincture or just put the dried plants with his feed or put the powder in some molasses and syringe it into him.

  1. Linda Hinkle says:

    Thank you for making your lifework available to so many people, Doctor Jones. I’m 76, take zero Rx, healed by TCM docs China for Asthma 1994. I’ll see if I can enroll in pre-EMR arrival course. I live with a family of 8 that’s enrolled in your botanical meds course.

  2. Susie says:

    I sing in church every week. Is it okay to take mullein leaf tincture every day to keep my airways open and strong or will I build up an immunity? Do I need to just use when I’m having issues? Thank you!

    • Dr. Patrick Jones says:

      Mullein is a very safe plant. But I don’t recommend it for long term use. Maybe just take it a few days before choir.

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