You Have An Emergency! You’ve Called 911! Now What?!

Life is full of unexpected emergencies some of which can be life threatening. Knowing what to do until the ambulance arrives can be game changing and life saving!

Hello, my name is Dr. Jed Adamson.

I’m a naturopathic doctor, clinical herbalist, acupuncturist, naprapathic doctor, massage therapist and former advanced EMT. I have been a friend and student of Dr. Patrick Jones for many years. Doc Jones has also been my student. I love and respect him deeply. He has truly focused his life on relieving the pain and suffering of all creatures around him, both animal and human. I have enjoyed all of our associations.

Let me tell you a little about myself. I grew up in a very small town in Idaho. The local fire department was all volunteer. As a matter of fact, the only fire truck the town had at that time was built by two of my uncles. While I was still in high school, I operated the pump on the firetruck during fires because I was one of the few who knew how. I had learned this skill from working with one of my uncles who had built the firetruck.

When I was 18, the state of Idaho started a program to train residents of small towns to care for the sick and injured until an ambulance arrived. In my town, it would take about 40 minutes for an ambulance to get there, and if the emergency was on a farm outside of town, it could easily take an hour. This is when I began working in pre-hospital care.

After a few years of volunteering, I transitioned to full-time emergency medical care. Eventually, I became an instructor for the State of Idaho and the Director of Emergency Medical Services for Jerome County, Idaho. I spent twenty years working in Emergency Medical Services.

I have responded to numerous calls for help and witnessed many recreational activities turn into emergencies. No one expects to fall, get cut, burned, or experience any other medical emergency, but these incidents can and do occur unexpectedly. It is a terrible experience to see a friend or family member injured and in pain, and not know how to help. I have seen the heartache and panic this can cause. However, I have also seen the opposite: arriving in an ambulance to find someone who has the knowledge to care for the injury. When someone can take charge, stabilize, and provide aid to the injured person, it prevents panic and brings relief. It saves lives!

Because of experiences like these, I developed a strong desire to help people learn how to care for injuries that can arise from life’s surprises. We all know that not all of life’s surprises are good ones. I firmly believe that we need to be able to take care of ourselves and others as much as possible, and in every way we can.

This thinking has led to an important collaboration between Doc Jones and myself. We’ve created a new school: Assessment and Natural Interventions for Trauma and Emergencies. There will always be a need for ambulances and hospitals, and our course is not intended to replace them. Instead, it aims to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills to provide immediate assistance, regardless of how long it takes for advanced care to arrive.

Events such as major storms, earthquakes, large fires, and other disasters can overwhelm the local EMS system, preventing timely responses. In some cases, individuals may find themselves in situations where ambulance services are entirely unavailable.

The curriculum includes comprehensive training in emergency assessment and life-saving techniques. It integrates hands-on first aid with the therapeutic benefits of herbal medicine and other natural modalities.

Students of the program will learn how to assess injuries, manage shock, open and maintain an airway, stop bleeding, treat various types of wounds, stabilize fractures, and address many other conditions that can and do happen to good people every day in this world.

No one can anticipate every possible scenario, but I truly believe that this course will uniquely equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to provide aid in emergencies and be a blessing to others in their time of critical need.

If you’d like to learn more about the school, visit The Assessment & Natural Interventions Course Page. We look forward to joining you on your education journey!

Are You Ready to Render Emergency Aid?

Life is full of unexpected emergencies some of which can be life threatening. Knowing what to do until the ambulance arrives can be game changing and life saving!

Introducing the Emergency Jump Kit—your trusted companion in emergency response. 

Most folks appreciate the importance of being prepared—especially when it concerns loved ones facing emergency injuries or illnesses. Many have acquired what they believe to be a fairly decent pre-packaged first aid kit from a big box store. Unfortunately, these standard first aid kits, while capable of handling a few minor scrapes and bumps, lack the most critical tools for assessing and addressing medical emergencies.

5 thoughts on “You Have An Emergency! You’ve Called 911! Now What?!

  1. Maree says:

    Is this course something that will be part of Doc’s School of Medicine? I am wondering if I would have access to it through that or if it is something I would have to pay for separately in addition to the Homegrown Herbalist school?

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