True Independence Or False Security… Which One Do You Really Have?

Independence and self-reliance are popular themes these days. People are feeling disillusioned with the reliability of national economies. They’re disappointed with what’s happening to food…or what large, commercial producers are passing off as food. And, they’re getting disheartened by the quality and corporate nature of healthcare. As a result, people are making serious efforts to become independent of the products and systems that are letting them down.

The first impulse is to get some things set aside for a rainy day. We shop at all-natural grocers and farmers’ markets to get our produce. We buy heirloom seeds and put them in our freezer. We buy freeze dried food and put it in our basements. And we buy medicinal herb products to fill our cupboards. Now don’t get me wrong. I think all of those things are a great idea. Having things on hand right now is an important first step to self-reliance.

Let’s just not let that be all that we do.

Piling up resources as our only hedge against hard times is really just trading one dependency for another. What we really need to do is gain some knowledge, skills and experience. Gardening is something that has a bit of a learning curve. So, just having seeds on hand so that you can plant your first garden the day the apocalypse starts isn’t likely to be a successful strategy. It’d be far better to have a few years of gardening experiences under your belt. And, what about the seeds? Even if your first garden is a smashing success, will you have seed for next time? Seems like it’d be a good idea to have some experience gathering and storing seed from your garden for future plantings. And, if your garden is a success you’ll need to know how to preserve that amazing resource of harvested food. Again, information and experience are precious commodities.

Now let’s talk a little about health. I’ll be the first to tell you that having some herbs on hand for immediate use is a no brainer for emergencies and illnesses. My kitchen cupboard is full of tinctures for this and that. But there is something vastly more important and that is knowledge and experience. A few months back, my little granddaughter had a run in with a wasps’ nest. She got multiple stings. I reached into the cupboard and grabbed a bottle of my Venom and Sting tincture. Her twelve year old brother immediately disappeared and came back a few minutes later with a handful of plantain leaves (Plantago major) which he started to chew up and apply to the stings. Each of those approaches immediately relieved the pain of the stings. One of the approaches was product dependent and one was the result of real experience using leaves from the lawn in just that way by a young fellow that knew how to find, identify and use the right plant for that problem.

Real independence and self-reliance is a wonderful thing. Being able to walk past a vacant lot full of weeds and see a couple of dozen species of plants that could be used for food or medicine (or both) gives a sense of peace and confidence that is life changing. I encourage you to make this year the year that you start that journey. The HomeGrown Herbalist School of Botanical Medicine is an amazing community of like-minded folks learning about the glorious and beautiful medicinal and edible creations that surround us. It’s not a huge undertaking. There are no time constraints of any kind and you’ll have life-time access to all of the resources and to the student forum. Some folks sign up and go from A to Z to get a certificate of completion. Others just use it as an astounding reference resource that can be used to learn to treat anything from a bellyache to a rattlesnake bite as needed.

True independence is a wonderful thing. Join me and see how really simple and empowering it is to use God’s green pharmacy to solve all kinds of problems. I’d love to join you on that journey.

Doc Jones

This July 4th Weekend, gain true Independence!

Use Coupon Code ‘1776’ at checkout to take $177.60 OFF your lifetime Enrollment!

Consider joining the HomeGrown Herbalist School of Botanical Medicine. Our instructors dive deeply into plants, their medicinal constituents, and how they interact with the body. Take control of your health and become an herbalist now!

19 thoughts on “True Independence Or False Security… Which One Do You Really Have?

  1. Sandy Hayes says:

    Loved the blog today. While at the Spring conference with Doug and Stacy, I attened your programs and immediately recognized “this was the program I wanted to worked with”. I am a lifetime member. Thanks Doc. Jones.

  2. Christine says:

    I was a hospital nurse during covid, witnessing hospital protocols that offer ‘no other choice’ as the only option because physicians label you as crazy or question your knowledge for even mentioning a safer alternative. Thank you does not begin to suffice. Thank you for giving us a choice and empowering a group of people who are on this earth to simply do better. BTW: I am no longer a hospital nurse. I am a holistic nurse teaching any soul willing to listen; you have a choice. Thank you Doc Jones

    • Erin says:

      Thank you for this comment… a little bit of sanity goes a long way. I signed up for Doc’s course last year and have not been able to start as I am taking care of my mother 24/7 (after she went into CHF after receiving the jab… long story). I believe, after two years of home care we are reaching the end… She is unable to sleep (extreme restlessness). In your OPINION and not medical advice would it be helpful to administer CBD? Or glycine supplement? I just want her to be able to sleep comfortably… Anyway, bless you for your courage and strength to choose a better path that supports life instead of grinding people up in the hospital mill.

    • blanch61 says:

      I was also a nurse during the pandemic, in a very busy Emergency Room. It was horrifying not being able to help our patients as well as we would have liked. We watched patients come in, be placed in a room and within 5 minutes they couldn’t breath, it was such a helpless feeling. It was then that I had an epiphany, there had to be a better way to help my patients! I started researching and fell in love with herbal medicines. I am now a nursing professor at a local college and I am hoping to incorporate some herbal medicines within the curriculum. That is why I have signed up for this amazing course!
      I would love to hear more about holistic nursing!

    • Shaina Smales says:

      Hello Christine! I too, am a nurse that is very disillusioned with many parts of our healthcare system. I am looking for answers for myself to start with and then for others over time. How did you pursue Holistic Nursing?
      Thank you,
      Shaina S in Nevada

  3. Devora says:

    I love being part of the school!! I’m learning SO much! I just harvested, washed, dried, and froze a couple pounds of elderberries last night. Looking forward to making elderberry syrup, adding homegrown ginger, homemade ACV, and honey from my own hives.

  4. Linda Stritzel says:

    Dr. Patrick Jones is the really deal! I don’t think his mind ever stops . I’m a student of the Homegrown Herbilist and I LOVE IT!!! It is easy to follow and you don’t feel rushed or hurried. There is a great forum where you can converse with fellow students on questions and if you can’t figure it out the doctor himself will help you. Knowledge is the best wisdom. ♥️

  5. mary pronschinske says:

    Im on a roll…. learning so much from you and have made several products of my own! I want to thank you!

  6. Debbie says:

    This school is SO worth the cost. I am going at my own pace so I don’t get overwhelmed. I’ve planted my own ginkgo tree and a chaste tree as well as several herbs that I will be freeze drying. I will be harvesting the ginkgo leaves this fall and each year to come. I plan to start bees next year and I already have 7 chickens that produce beautifully. We have a raw milk farm as well as grass fed beef and pork farms nearby that we buy from. Oh how I would love to have my own milk cow!!! I’m 56 years old and just beginning this journey. I’m envious of those who are much younger and have realized the importance of giving their families clean choices. Thank you Doc Jones for sharing your wealth of knowledge with those of us who are seeking a better way to live.

  7. Dixean says:

    I have learned so much from our great teacher, Doc Jones. He has a way of explaining things that stay in my memory! Such a wealth of knowledge.
    As a side note, I went camping last week. Identified 20 herbs just out there growing in the mountains. I harvested first year Mullien leaves and horse tail. I feel great satisfaction in doing this. Herbing up in Idaho Falls!

  8. Sue says:

    I’ve been so busy identifying, picking, and processing all the wild medicine in my yard and now growing so many medicinal plants that…I hardly have time to catch up on my ‘lessons’! It’s been about 3 years that I’ve been studying wild edible and medicinal plants and my second season of ‘trying’ to cultivate more medicinal plants…my first season of planting from seed was a horrible failure…but this year, it’s finally coming together.
    So yes people, even for the ones that are called weeds to some, need to be cultivated in your area. Gardening is definitely a learning process, and so is managing the ‘weeds’ that you need so you don’t have an unidentifiable jungle mess! And collecting resource material (books) takes time and money. It is good to have knowledge but when push comes to shove, it is the experience you have that wins the day.

  9. Kimberley Perschbacher says:

    one of the things really interested me in this school was gardening with the weeds. One of my uncles taught me weeds are my friend in the garden. My uncle’s garden always looked unkept but flourished, where other people’s failed. I have been studying my weeds to identify, now I have a use for them. Freedom, Independence application of what you already have.

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